Service dog Zoe
The user’s service dog Zoe is an Australian shepherd. The Swedish Service and Signal Dog Association, which trains dogs (see accompanying tips), helped the user to train her dog Zoe to help her in daily life. For instance, the dog can help to pull a wheelchair, carry and retrieve objects, open and close doors, and push buttons. (See accompanying tip).
A service dog wears a service blanket that shows that the dog is working, and therefore may accompany the wheelchair user into most public premises where dogs usually are not permitted.
Users comments
An Australian shepherd is a herding dog. It is not a companion, but a wolf-like working dog that needs good training. The goal is for it to be able to go without a leash and obey its owner. The demands on the owner are high. The user does not recommend this breed for first-time dog owners.
Other purposes that service dogs can be used for include: sounding an alert, getting help, assisting its owner to undress, letting an owner with poor hearing know when the phone rings. The dog can use its keen sense of smell to let a person with diabetes know that her/his blood sugar is low.
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User with her dog

User with her dog
Related tips

Dog training for service dogs provides assistance in daily life to people with disabilities. 2010

A service dog can help wheelchair users by pulling the wheelchair. 2010

A service dog can provide everyday help to wheelchair users by carrying, fetching, or holding objects. 2010

A service dog can provide everyday help to people with disabilities by opening/closing doors or drawers. 2010

– a training method for service dogs. 2010

The service dog stands on hind legs and helps the user to drive on level ground. 2010