Toothpaste tube with large flip-top lid Flip-top lid makes it easier for persons with impaired dexterity to open toothpaste tube
Locking knob that makes it easier to open door lock Assistive device for persons with impaired hand function to be able to handle a locking knob
Simple mechanical door closer Simple solution to close an outward opening door from inside – suitable for wheelchair...
Mechanical elevator opener An emergency solution that makes it possible for a user in a wheelchair with impaired hand...
Handle for refrigerator and freezer A handle that makes it easier to open the refrigerator and freezer – suitable for people with...
Technique to pull down the zipper of an outer jacket Using a key ring attached to the zipper – technique for people with extensive...
Sliding door to bedroom, etc Sliding door with large handles – suitable for wheelchair users who have impaired hand...
Low-tech door closer Solution enables wheelchair users to close doors that open outwards after coming inside
Closing device “Closeman” Easy-to-use universal device to close both hard and soft packages – suitable for persons with...