Easing strain on buttocks

Technique for persons with poor balance and impaired arm/hand function to ease strain on buttocks

User bends forward

User bends forward

To avoid pressure ulcers the user needs to frequently change positions. She bends forward. To avoid falling she supports herself with her elbows on her knees. To get up to seated position again she hooks her forearms behind the back of the wheelchair and pulls herself up.

User hooks one arm behind the back of the wheelchair

User hooks one arm behind the back of the wheelchair

User hooks one arm behind the back of the wheelchair

User pulls herself up to seated position by hooking both arms behind the back of the wheelchair

User pulls herself up to seated position

Author: Yasmin

Yasmin bor i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. 1999 skadade hon sig och har en C-5 skada. Hon har fått opererat armsträckare i båda armarna, knipfunktion i vänster tumme samt pronation i båda underarmarna. Tipsen innan 2008 har hon inte gjort någon handkirurgi. Hon har 24 timmar personlig assistans, varav 7 timmar jour.

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