Adapted wedge cushion for comfortable position on side in bed

- suitable for people with disabilities

User lying on side in bed with wedge cushion

User lying on side in bed with wedge cushion

Wedge cushion under back when lying on side.

How to make
The user bought a large wedge cushion in plastic case. He removed the case and divided the cushion into two parts.

Made by
The user

Purchased from
In Sweden Medema, (last checked February 2022)

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Wedge cushion divided into two parts, one part is a cube, the other part a smaller wedge

Wedge cushion divided into two parts

Related tips

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Author: Ola

Ola bor ensam i villa. Han skadade sig 2002 och har en låg tetraplegi. Han har ingen hjälp eller assistans, enbart trygghetslarm.

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