Wheelchair E-fix

An electric wheelchair that can easily be converted to a manual wheelchair - appropriate for travel

Panthera wheelchair with e-fix

Panthera wheelchair with e-fix

E-fix consists of pushrims with electrical motors sitting in the hub, battery pack and joystick steering. E-fix makes it possible to easily convert a manual wheelchair into an electric wheelchair. Pushrim, battery pack and joystick steering can quickly be installed and removed using the quick release/attachment function.
E-fix can be installed on most wheelchairs.

The user’s joystick is adapted with a cradle that enables him to steer the wheelchair.

Users comments
Erik uses e-fix on trips. When he flies he can drive right up to the plane and minimize the risk of damage to the wheelchair.
With e-fix he can even use any taxi at all. The parts fit in the trunk even in small cars.

Made by
Alber, alber.de/en (last checked Maj 2020).

Purchased from
Invacare, invacare.co.uk (last checked Maj 2020).

Paid for by
County council

Battery pack and joystick steering on Panthera wheelchair

Battery pack and joystick steering on Panthera wheelchair

Battery pack and joystick steering on Panthera wheelchair

Author: Erik

Erik bor ihop med fru och barn i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1996 skadade han sig och har en hög tetraplegi (C4-5). Han har 21 timmar personlig assistans per dygn.

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