User sitting on her harness with straps around stomach and thighs
The user designed a harness that she sits on in her wheelchair. The harness has handles and can be fastened around the stomach and thighs with straps.
Users comments
By using the harness during transfers, no one has to pull and lift by the arms or clothing. Transfers when using the harness also feel very safe and secure.
She uses the harness to be carried up and down stairs or during transfers in an airplane.
Made by
An assistant to the user
Whose idea
The user
Editors comments
In Sweden “Lätta Lyft” manufactures and sells similar lift harnesses, see lattalyft.se, last checked April 2020, see photo at the bottom.
By placing the seat cushion on the harness you can sit on it all day long.

User on harness with handles from behind

Harness in wheelchair

Harness with lift straps

Harness from “Lyftas lätt.” Photo from lattalyft.se