Transfer to boat – teak platform on swimming ladder

Swimming ladder adaptation to facilitate transfers between wheelchair and boat
User sits on platform on the boat’s swimming ladder
User sits on platform on the boat’s swimming ladder

Large wooden platform on the upper portion of a swimming ladder is used for transfers to and from the boat by a wheelchair user.

Teak platform (teak grating) is attached with stainless steel clamps to the upper portion of an ordinary swimming ladder.

Made by
The user

Purchased from
Building supply center

Paid for by
The user

Boat with platform on swimming ladder at dock
Boat with platform on swimming ladder at dock
Attachment of platform on swimming ladder (close-up)
Attachment of platform on swimming ladder (close-up)
Boat with platform on swimming ladder at dock; user sitting on boat
Boat with platform on swimming ladder at dock; user sitting on boat

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Transfers using adapted platform and attachment to swimming ladder.

Author: Micke

M. hade en paraplegi, Th 5. Avliden 2019.

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