Cushion between knees in boat

A cushion between the knees helps the user to maintain a good seated posture in a kayak for people with functional impairments
User sitting in the kayak with cushion between knees
User sitting in the kayak with cushion between knees

User places a cushion between her knees when sitting in the kayak.

RG Active Rehabilitation in Stockholm, has cushions in various sizes and lends them out for canoeing.

Users comments
The cushion steadies the legs in the kayak and prevents them from rocking back and forth.

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Adapted kayak
Adapted kayak
RG Active Rehabilitation offers kayak lessons for persons who have a spinal cord injury.

Author: Lotta

Lotta bor i en tvåplansvilla på landet ihop med maken, dottern, tre hundar och en katt. Hon arbetar ideellt för Rekryteringsgruppens friluftsgrupp. Hon skadade sig 1983 och har en hög paraplegi (TH 3). Hon har ingen assistans.

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