Steering for boat

Motorboat that can be driven with a joystick - suitable for persons with impaired hand function who drive a wheelchair

User with the boat's joystick on the wheelchair attachment

User with the boat’s joystick on the wheelchair attachment

The boat is modified so that it can be steered with a wheel from the center console or with a joystick. The joystick box has a long cord and can be placed on an existing attachment site on the wheelchair. When driving the boat with the wheel, the joystick is used to control the boat’s speed.

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
User and his father

The boat's joystick box on wheelchair attachment. The joystick is fitted with a large cradle  (close-up)

The boat’s joystick box on wheelchair attachment

The joystick box is attached to the wheelchair attachment mount by the user's assistant

The joystick box is attached to the wheelchair attachment mount by the user’s assistant

The boat's center console with joystick box

The boat’s center console with joystick box

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Author: Erik

Erik bor ihop med fru och barn i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1996 skadade han sig och har en hög tetraplegi (C4-5). Han har 21 timmar personlig assistans per dygn.

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