Shower/toilet on adapted sailboat

Practical space-saving solution for shower and toilet on adapted sailboat

Toilet seat covered with wood board, water heater

Toilet seat covered with wood board, water heater

Inside the cabin of the sailboat is a toilet covered with a folding wood board. The toilet has a septic tank with a capacity of 25 l. An LPG-powered water heater hangs on the wall next to the toilet. A 100 liter tank for fresh water is located in the forecastle. The shower can be set to use either fresh water or seawater. There is a stop cock on the shower handle. A pump pumps the shower water out of the boat. The custom shower curtain is sewn using spinnaker fabric and hung with “snap locks” at 4 points.

Users comments
The water heater is important for the user’s well-being. Warm water is necessary for a satisfactory toilet experience. A warm shower reduces spasticity.

Made by
Peter Riddebäck

Paid for by
The user

Toilet without wood board

Toilet without wood board

User with hand shower on toilet

User with hand shower on toilet

Toilet and shower curtain

Toilet and shower curtain

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Author: Claes

Claes bor ihop med fru och son i en lägenhet. Han arbetar heltid. Han skadade sig 1984 och har en låg tetraplegi. Han har ingen assistans.

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