Outdoor electric winch for transfers

An electric winch makes it possible to transfer between wheelchair and riding lawnmower, etc – suitable for people with disabilities
Electric winch attached under roof ridge
Electric winch attached under roof ridge

An electric winch is installed under the roof ridge in the beam of the garage and is used as a lift for transfers from wheelchair to gardening equipment such as riding lawnmower, etc, see associated tip. A lift frame hangs from the hook of the electric winch and is used with a sling.

Users comments
The user received the electric winch from the assistive device center to be able to transfer onto a horse. It is no longer available as an assistive device.

Made by
User’s husband

Purchased from
In Sweden Clas Ohlson, clasohlson.com/se or similar store (last checked April 2021)

Whose idea

Electric winch attached under roof ridge
Electric winch attached under roof ridge

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Author: Irene

Irene bor tillsammans med hennes make i en villa på landet; hon är pensionär. Hon skadade sig 1995 och har en låg paraplegi. Hon har ingen assistans.

Type of disability

Low paraplegia (Th11-S1)

Latest tips

More tips in Transfers with lifting devices | Wheelchair transfer