A car seat that can rotate 360 degrees – suitable for parents with disabilities
A car seat that can rotate 360 degrees – suitable for parents with disabilities
A car seat that can rotate 360 degrees – suitable for parents with disabilities
The child can use an upside down bucket as a stepping stool to make it easier to climb into the swing independently
Sweeping up Lego is much easier than trying to pick up all the pieces, one by one – a simple method for parents with disabilities
A cradle suspended from the ceiling for infants – suitable for parents with disabilities who have young children
A highchair without legs that is suspended directly on the table – suitable for parents who use a wheelchair
An easy-to-manage power assist device for manual wheelchairs that facilitates driving
The tray on this highchair can be folded out of the way. The parent can then lift the child from the side and does not have to lift straight up.
A rope with a loop is threaded through the swing before the child climbs up on it – suitable for parents with disabilities who have young children
Modified crossover one-piece outfit – suitable for parents with disabilities
Easy mechanical solution for hand controls in the car – suitable for people with disabilities
Camping is not impossible for people with disabilities
Easy-to-use tent that takes only seconds to set up – suitable for people with disabilities
– an option for people with disabilities
– for wheelchair users
– suitable for wheelchair users
Transfer technique into a minivan using sliding doors – suitable for wheelchair users with strong arms
Transfer technique from a car with sliding doors – suitable for wheelchair users with strong arms
Baby carrier with optional infant insert – suitable for parents who use a wheelchair and have of young children
A baby sling that does not need to be tied, but consists of two tubes that are wrapped around the adult’s body – suitable for parents who use a wheelchair and have young children
A cross between a sling and a baby carrier – suitable for parents who use a wheelchair and have young children
Work gloves that work well as wheelchair gloves
Inconspicuous and spacious wheelchair bag that does not alter the center of gravity
A wheelchair that works on sand and in water
Surf gloves with webbed design provide extra strength for paddling with a surfboard – facilitates surfing for people with disabilities
With mobile hand controls a person with disabilities can drive any automatic car
A platform that arranges accessible hotels all over the world
A zipper on support stockings makes it easier to put them on – suitable for people with disabilities
– makes it possible to see who is standing outside the door before opening it
– makes it possible to easily use a manual wheelchair on snow and ice
Built-in sliding board facilitates transfers to a car for wheelchair users
Custom sewn covers for the car seat protects both the user and the car seat from dirt when he places a wheelchair in the car
Arm cycle that allows cycling for training purposes for people with disabilities
– suitable for parents of young children who use wheelchairs
– easy to handle for wheelchair users
– a good complement to a manual wheelchair
Car ramps that help get a Segway into the car without a lift
A standing wheelchair makes it possible for the user to be independent in his workplace
– with standard details appropriate for wheelchair users
Practically furnished laundry room with lots of storage – a solution for people who use wheelchairs
– a practical solution for wheelchair users
– suitable for wheelchair users
– suitable for wheelchair users
– an option for wheelchair users
– reduces risk of ulcers for people who lack sensation
– practical for wheelchair users
People who use a wheelchair can increase their independence at home by using a standing wheelchair and they can also stretch their leg joints.
Convenient storage for incontinence supplies for toilet visits outside the home
Standalone counter with knee space increases workspace
– convenient and space saving – suitable for wheelchair users
– with maneuvering space and custom ventilation hatch – suitable for wheelchair users
A paved path enables the user to easily drive around the entire house
– suitable for parents of young children with disabilities
– suitable for wheelchair users
– suitable for people who lack sensation
Slightly older children of parents who use wheelchairs can sit on a lap unassisted
– a way to lift the child into a highchair for wheelchair users who have a strong upper body
The coffee table is lightweight and easy to move – suitable for wheelchair users
– a simple way to close doors – suitable for wheelchair users
Having babies in a carrier makes it easier for parents who use wheelchairs
– Suitable for wheelchair users
Low lock catch for front door facilitates for wheelchair users
An exercise stand allows the user to operate the arm cycle either stationary or outdoors – a training tool for people with disabilities
Positioning option for wheelchair users
Highly absorbent mat and hall bureau – suitable for wheelchair users
– can be used both by people in wheelchairs and people who stand
Well-designed custom kitchen for a young family with one parent who uses a wheelchair
– makes it possible for a person who uses a wheelchair to turn on/off
Shower stall that frees up space in bathroom – suitable for people who drive wheelchairs and need maneuvering space
– suitable for adjustable-height counter in custom kitchen
– an option for wheelchair users with strong arms
Crib suitable for parents with disabilities
– a solution for a person who uses a wheelchair
– a simple way for wheelchair users to transport firewood
Curtain in front of the window at the shower protects the window from moisture – an option to have an open shower area next to a window
– suitable for people who lack sensation
Portable flower box on patio – suitable for wheelchair users
Stationary custom-designed pool lift makes it possible for people with disabilities to get in and out of a pool
– facilitates gardening for wheelchair users
– reduces risk of infection – suitable for people with disabilities
A chain to attach the wheelchair to the bed frame makes transfers safer
Vacuum cleaner with lightweight nozzle and long cord – suitable for wheelchair users
Simple space-saving counter and drying rack in accessible laundry room
Storage unit on casters with rubbish sorting that fits under adjustable-height counter in adapted kitchen
Hand shower by the toilet – practical for people with disabilities
Outdoor lift – a simple way to get to a garden on a slope
– suitable for people with disabilities
Elevated washing machine makes it easier for wheelchair users to do laundry
An electric winch makes it possible to transfer between wheelchair and riding lawnmower, etc – suitable for people with disabilities
– a lawnmower for large hilly gardens – works for persons with impaired function in the legs
Plastic skis under the wheelchair make it possible for wheelchair users to take walks in winter
– facilitates bathroom visits for women with impaired leg function
Standing wheelchair facilitates housework – suitable for wheelchair users
Clothesline on the balcony – practical for wheelchair users
Simple adapted sink cabinet – suitable for wheelchair users
Small convenient transfer mat to avoid chafing during transfers
Coach tape on wheelchair foot bar prevents feet from sliding down
A technique that shows how wheelchair users who have strong arms can ride on escalators independently
Technique for people with strong arms
Transfer technique for wheelchair users who have strong arms