Electronic door “PeepHole Viewer”

- makes it possible to see who is standing outside the door before opening it
Door peephole viewer Brinno on apartment door
Door peephole viewer Brinno on apartment door

The electronic door peephole viewer uses a color screen on the inside of the door and is mounted instead of the usual door peephole viewer. Pressing the button under the color screen gives a sharp, clear picture of the person standing outside the door. Pressing the button a second time when the screen is on switches to zoom mode.
Door peephole viewer is easy to install.

Model: Brinno, digital door eye

Users comments
This electronic door peephole viewer increases peace of mind for the user. She reminds her children to use it too.

Today there are many more models that are also less expensive.

Made by
Brinno, brinno.com  (last checked April 2021)

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Door peephole viewer Brinno on apartment door (close-up)
Door peephole viewer Brinno on apartment door (close-up)
Door peephole viewer Brinno. Photo from www.brinno.com
Door peephole viewer Brinno. Photo from www.brinno.com

Author: Ingela

Ingela bor ihop med maken och barn i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon har en låg paraplegi sedan fördseln.

Type of disability

Low paraplegia (Th11-S1)

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