Bathroom with wash basin, toilet with raised seat, shower with curtain, separate shower stool and wall-mounted cabinet. The shower is next to the toilet at the back of the bathroom. A window is protected by a clear curtain.
Model: raised toilet seat Hi-Loo, shower stool Swift
Users comments
The inspector approved protecting the window at the shower with a curtain. The user appreciates the fact that the window can still be opened to air out the room.
The user finds it convenient to have the toilet next to the shower. That way he can move to the shower stool from the toilet or from the wheelchair.
It is important for him to have many cabinets for storage of toiletries and incontinence items. He mounted them on the wall so they do not take up maneuvering space in the bathroom.
Purchased from
Etac, https://www.etac.com/ (raised toilet seat and shower stool), last checked July 2024
Paid for by
In Sweden: Municipality (adjustment); County Council (raised toilet seat and shower stool)
Editors comments
For adapted bathrooms, see also bano.co.uk (last checked February 2021)

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