Arm cycle that allows cycling for training purposes for people with disabilities
Arm cycle that allows cycling for training purposes for people with disabilities
– with standard details appropriate for wheelchair users
A standing wheelchair makes it possible for the user to be independent in his workplace
Practically furnished laundry room with lots of storage – a solution for people who use wheelchairs
– a practical solution for wheelchair users
– suitable for wheelchair users
A paved path enables the user to easily drive around the entire house
– with maneuvering space and custom ventilation hatch – suitable for wheelchair users
People who use a wheelchair can increase their independence at home by using a standing wheelchair and they can also stretch their leg joints.
– an option for wheelchair users
– convenient and space saving – suitable for wheelchair users
Convenient storage for incontinence supplies for toilet visits outside the home
– practical for wheelchair users
– reduces risk of ulcers for people who lack sensation
Standalone counter with knee space increases workspace
– suitable for wheelchair users
– suitable for parents of young children with disabilities
– suitable for people who lack sensation
Curtain in front of the window at the shower protects the window from moisture – an option to have an open shower area next to a window
Wheelchair-accessible home with many practical details
– a solution for a person who uses a wheelchair
The coffee table is lightweight and easy to move – suitable for wheelchair users
– can be used both by people in wheelchairs and people who stand
An exercise stand allows the user to operate the arm cycle either stationary or outdoors – a training tool for people with disabilities
– Suitable for wheelchair users
– suitable for people who lack sensation
– suitable for wheelchair users
Portable flower box on patio – suitable for wheelchair users
– a simple way for wheelchair users to transport firewood
– an option for wheelchair users with strong arms
Shower stall that frees up space in bathroom – suitable for people who drive wheelchairs and need maneuvering space
– makes it possible for a person who uses a wheelchair to turn on/off
Highly absorbent mat and hall bureau – suitable for wheelchair users
Having babies in a carrier makes it easier for parents who use wheelchairs
Low lock catch for front door facilitates for wheelchair users
Crib suitable for parents with disabilities
– suitable for adjustable-height counter in custom kitchen
Well-designed custom kitchen for a young family with one parent who uses a wheelchair
Positioning option for wheelchair users
– a simple way to close doors – suitable for wheelchair users
– a way to lift the child into a highchair for wheelchair users who have a strong upper body
Slightly older children of parents who use wheelchairs can sit on a lap unassisted