Washbasin cabinet in adapted bathroom

Washbasin cabinet with curtain and shelf with cut-out section make it easier for wheelchair users to come close and maintain balance

Cut-out section in shelf of washbasin cabinet

Cut-out section in shelf of washbasin cabinet

A washbasin cabinet stands in front of a spacer unit that is used as counter space. The cabinet has a curtain instead of doors. A section is cut out of the shelf to provide room for the user’s legs.

Users comments
A washbasin cabinet with curtain and shelf with cut-out section allow wheelchair users greater freedom to find an attractive washbasin.
The ability to slide under the washbasin provides easier access. Leaning on the counter makes it easy for the user to balance.

Purchased from
Washbasin cabinet: IKEA, ikea.com (last checked September 2022)

Washbasin cabinet with shelf with cut-out section and curtain

Washbasin cabinet with shelf with cut-out section and curtain

User leans with elbows on washbasin

User leans with elbows on washbasin for balance

User sits by washbasin

User sits by washbasin

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Author: Tomas

Tomas bor ihop med sambo i en lägenhet. Han arbetar 25% som fotograf. Han skadade sig 1983 och har en låg tetraplegi (C7). Han har hemtjänst i assistansliknande form en timme dagligen.

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