Small chair for shower with armrest and back

Space-saving solution for persons with high spinal cord injuries who have a ceiling lift in the bathroom.

Shower chair without wheels with fixed armrests and backrest, a Roho cushion on the seat.

Shower chair Rufus with Roho cushion

The folding shower chair has fixed armrests. The legs were cut to a suitable height. A Roho cushion is used to relieve pressure.
Model: ETAC shower chair Rufus with back support hygiene recess.

Users comments
In order to allow her feet to rest firmly on the floor Susanne shortened the legs of the chair. She transfers to the shower chair using a ceiling lift. Shower curtain creates problems when using the ceiling lift. Susanne has seen plastic blinds that can be screwed into ceiling and lowered, available at designtorget. Glass doors would work, depending on how the bathroom is furnished. It must be possible to fold them back. Would like a tub in the next apartment.

Purchased from
Showerchair: ETAC,; Roho-cushion: (last checked July 2020)

Paid for by
County council

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Author: Susanne

Susanne bor i lägenhet och studerar och arbetar som frilans (heltid). Hon skadade sig 1982 och har en hög ryggmärgskada (C5). Genom handkirurgi fick hon ett pinchgrepp i vä hand. Hon har personlig assistans genom LASS. Efter tipsinsamlingen har hon flyttat till en ny lägenhet.

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