Place the legs of the shower stool between the wheel and the wheelchair frame and lock in place with the wheelchair brake. This method works with shower stools with thin legs. A grab bar is also used to hold on to a fixed point during transfers.
Users comments
The wheelchair is locked to the shower stool for secure transfer. The washers that hold the seat of the shower chair in place break regularly (photo 4). Glenn purchased spare washers from the manufacturer so he can repair the stool. He is also considering attaching an “X” brace under the shower stool seat to take the weight off the washers. Glenn has examined other shower stools and does not feel they work as well. The stool legs have to be 25 mm.
Paid for by
County council
Whose idea
Glenn Andersson
Editors comments
this showert stool is not available anymore. There is a renge of different models on the market; it is difficult though to find shower chairs with foldable armrests.