Shower chair with holder for ventilator tube

Small tilting shower chair - suitable for persons with compromised balance

A shower and toilet chair with four small castors, arm and backrest, the seat is tilted back.

Shower chair Tripp

Shower chair with tipping seat, it can be tipped up to 30°. The armrests can be folded up and locked. Adjustable height footrest.
Model: Tripp Tilt from ETAC

A pressure relieving Roho cushion is used for the seat cushion.

A holder for the ventilator tube is attached to the armrest of the shower chair. The holder consists of foam rubber wrapped around the armrest. The tube is held in place by Velcro attached to the foam rubber.

Users comments
This shower chair is intended for children and adolescents, but the user is short and wants a shower chair that does not take up much space. She has compromised balance so tipping the chair allows her to sit securely and relaxed.

Made by
Hjälpmedelcentralen (assistive device center) (adaptation)

Purchased from
Showerchair: ETAC,; Roho-cushion: Permobil, (last checked March 2020)

Paid for by
County Council

Editors comments
Shower chair for adults with similar function are Etac Swift Mobile Tilt-2, (last checked March 2020).

Holder for ventilator tube made of foam rubber with Velcro fastening that fits around the armrest.

Holder for ventilator tube

Holder for ventilator tube (close-up)

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Author: Nina

Nina bor i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1996 och har en hög tetraplegi (C4) och är i behov av ventilator. Hon har dubbel assistans dygnet runt.

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