Battery-operated electric toothbrush

Electric toothbrush facilitates dental care for persons who cannot hold a toothbrush unassisted.

User sitting in his wheelchair. A person holds a battery-operated-electric-toothbrush to his teeth.

User with battery-operated-electric-toothbrush

Technique: The assistant holds the toothbrush and the user moves his or her head and in this way can brush somewhat independently.

Users comments
The method works even with inexperienced assistants since the user does half the job independently.

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Author: Conny

Conny bor ihop med sina döttrar i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1994 skadade han sig och fick en hög ryggmärgsskada (C4). Han har personlig assistans dygnet rund, därav 3,5 timmar dubbel bemanning.

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