Storage area adjacent to bedroom

Organized storage area - suitable for persons who need assistive devices and hygiene products

Storage with curtain

Storage with curtain

Adjoining the bedroom behind a curtain is storage for hygiene products and assistive devices. Since the user has many different assistants he has marked the shelves so that everyone puts things away in the right places.

Users comments
Plenty of storage is essential for the user to be able to put away all of his assistive devices. He believes that you can never have too much storage when you use a wheelchair. It has become easier to find things since he began to label the shelves.

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The user

Whose idea
The user

Labeled shelf in the storage room

Labeled shelf

Storage with shelving

Storage with shelving

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Author: Erik

Erik bor ihop med fru och barn i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1996 skadade han sig och har en hög tetraplegi (C4-5). Han har 21 timmar personlig assistans per dygn.

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