Electrically maneuvered cabinet in accessible kitchen

Remote-controlled adjustable height upper cabinet in accessible kitchen.

Upper cabinet in kitchen

Upper cabinet

Adjustable height upper cabinet, operated by remote control. The cabinets move out and down.

Users comments
Susanne chose a fixed counter. Since the counter does not have an edge in which controls could be installed for the upper cabinet, she uses a remote control device.

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Local government

Editors comments
IAB is not producing acessible kitchens anymore. Granberg, granberg.se/en sells electrically maneuvered cabinets (last checked October 2022).

Remote control

Remote control

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Author: Susanne

Susanne bor i lägenhet och studerar och arbetar som frilans (heltid). Hon skadade sig 1982 och har en hög ryggmärgskada (C5). Genom handkirurgi fick hon ett pinchgrepp i vä hand. Hon har personlig assistans genom LASS. Efter tipsinsamlingen har hon flyttat till en ny lägenhet.

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