Standing wheelchair

Standing wheelchair facilitates housework – suitable for wheelchair users
User washes a chandelier while standing in the standing wheelchair
User washes a chandelier while standing in the standing wheelchair

Wheelchair with manual stand-up function

Model: Levo

Users comments
The user uses the standing wheelchair to practice standing and for housework. Using the standing wheelchair she can wash chandeliers and windows, and dust door frames and pictures hanging on walls.
She likes being able to reach the ceiling and stretch.

Paid for by
County Council

User attaches strap around knees and stomach
User attaches strap around knees and stomach
User washes a chandelier while standing in the standing wheelchair (close-up)
User washes a chandelier while standing in the standing wheelchair (close-up)

Author: Irene

Irene bor tillsammans med hennes make i en villa på landet; hon är pensionär. Hon skadade sig 1995 och har en låg paraplegi. Hon har ingen assistans.

Type of disability

Low paraplegia (Th11-S1)

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