Picking things up from the floor

Towel and plastic bag that a person with impaired hand function can use to pick things up from the floor.

User hits object (phone) under table with towel to bring it closer

User hits object (phone) under table with towel to bring it closer

Technique to pick things up from the floor:
The user’s technique to pick something up that he dropped on the floor, e.g. a phone on the floor under a table. First the user takes a towel, places his finger in the hanging loop, and tries to hit the object with the towel to move it toward him and the wheelchair. Then he places a plastic bag on the floor. First he has to open the plastic bag, bend down and push the dropped object into the plastic bag. Then he picks up the bag and the telephone.

Users comments
The user feels this is a great idea if you drop something on the floor and no one is around to help.

Whose idea

User bends down and pushes phone into a plastic bag

User bends down and pushes phone into a plastic bag

User lifts up plastic bag with phone inside

User lifts up plastic bag with phone inside

Author: Gert

Gert bor i lägenhet mitt inne i stan. Han arbetar halvtid och har utöver det ett antal politiska förtroendeuppdrag i kommunen. Skadade sig 1973 och har en tetraplegi, C5-C6. Har inte någon personlig assistent utan använder sig av hemtjänst sammanlagt ca 2 tim/dag.

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