Ceiling lift in bedroom

Ceiling lift on tracks placed on the ceiling, diagonally across the room.

Bedroom with ceiling track and ceiling lift

Bedroom with ceiling track and ceiling lift

Users comments
The user has the ceiling lift placed diagonally in the ceiling. He feels this placement works well. When the lift is not being used it is placed out of the way in a corner of the room. Previously the user had a mobile lift on casters, but it took up too much space in the room.

Paid for by
Local government

Author: Bruno

Bruno bor i lägenhet och arbetar heltid. Han skadade sig 1974 och har en tetraplegi, C5-C6. Opererades 1977 för att få armsträckare och tumgrepp. Han har personlig assistans 7 timmar dagligen plus nattpatrull.

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