Heated gloves

Thermostat-controlled heated gloves
User with heated gloves and battery pack on
User with heated gloves and battery pack on

The gloves have heat conductors that are driven by rechargeable batteries. The temperature is controlled with a thermostat. The battery pack is attached at the wrist. The gloves are sewn individually.
The user wears other gloves, such as work gloves, on top.

Model: Heated gloves from minitech

Users comments
User works outdoors on his farm year-round. He has no sensation in his hands and is sensitive to cold. He recommends Minitech heated gloves. They are flexible and do not impede finger mobility. They only heat the back of his hands, but still keep the entire hand warm.

It is a bit difficult for the user to put on the gloves, especially to insert the plug between the gloves and batteries and he can barely manage the task.

One disadvantage is that the batteries only last about 2 hours, and then need to be recharged again. He needs an extra set of batteries.

Made by
Minitech, minitech.no (in Norwegian and Swedish), last checked November 2020)

Purchased from
Minitech, minitech.no or via Hjälpmedelcentralen (assistive device center)

Paid for by
County Council

User with heated gloves and battery pack on
User with heated gloves and battery pack on
Heated gloves with battery pack
Heated gloves with battery pack

Related tips

Work gloves
Work gloves
Assembly gloves protect hands during work on a farm – suitable for persons with impaired sensation.

Author: Mats 2

Mats bor tillsammans med hustru och en dotter i en villa på landet. Han skadade sig 2001 och har en hög inkomplett skada. Ingen assistans.

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