Accessible sauna

Accessible sauna - suitable for persons who drive a wheelchair and who easily freeze

Sauna with glass door

Sauna with glass door

Spacious sauna with wide glass door without threshold.

Users comments
The user gets cold very easily. He rides into the sauna on his wheelchair, fully dressed, in order to warm up. Outside the sauna is a TV that the user can watch through the glass door.

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Sauna with open door

Sauna with open door

Sauna with glass door

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Adapted house
Adapted house - suitable for a person with disabilities who has a family and assistants.

Author: Erik

Erik bor ihop med fru och barn i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1996 skadade han sig och har en hög tetraplegi (C4-5). Han har 21 timmar personlig assistans per dygn.

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