
- a way for people with high paraplegia to ride a horse

The user on horse

The user on horse (Photo: http://mabragarden.wordpress.com/tag/annika-palm/)

The user controls the horse with just hands and voice, see also

youtube.com/watch?v=eUvh5TDzTHE (Riding and transfer)

youtube.com/watch?v=V1TMkbVivOs (Annikas history and riding)

youtube.com/watch?v=zkH4HGLZr8w (Riding lessons), last checked June 2021.

She transfers to the horse with a lift and uses a custom seat with trunk support, see related tips.

User with her horse

User with her horse

Related tips

Transfer to horse
Transfer to horse
Lift that enables transfer to horse - opportunity for wheelchair users.
Saddle with trunk support enables a person with compromised trunk balance to ride a horse..

Author: Annika

Annika skadade sig 1992 och har en hög paraplegi. Hon har ledsagarservice.

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