Storage of household utensils and food

Easy to see and easily accessible kitchen drawer – appropriate for wheelchair users

A pull-out drawer filled with dry foods

Drawer as pantry

An under-counter cabinet with easy-sliding drawers is used as a pantry and for pots. An upper cabinet sits on the counter in which the user stores dishes, cups and glasses on the lower shelves.

Users comments
It is easy for the user to get an overview and to reach what he needs.

Paid for by
Insurance money

Whose idea
The user

Upper cabinet with dishes, etc

Upper cabinet with dishes, etc

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Custom-designed kitchen
Custom-designed kitchen
Custom-designed kitchen for a person who uses a wheelchair.

Author: Max

Max studerar och bor ensam i lägenhet. Han skadade sig 2002 och har han en hög ryggmärgsskada (C5 inkomplett med bibehållen känsel). Han har personlig assisistans ca 13 timmar per dag.

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