Dishwasher in accessible kitchen

For persons who cannot reach far it is important that the dishwasher baskets are designed so that all kinds of dishes can be placed toward the front of the baskets

Dishwasher - open


The dishwasher is located in the lower section of a tall cabinet. The lower basket is designed so that small dishes are placed toward the front and large dishes in the back.

Users comments
It is difficult for the user to reach the back of the dishwasher’s lower basket, which means it is difficult for him to place large dishes there by himself.

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Author: Max

Max studerar och bor ensam i lägenhet. Han skadade sig 2002 och har han en hög ryggmärgsskada (C5 inkomplett med bibehållen känsel). Han har personlig assisistans ca 13 timmar per dag.

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