Adjustable-height crib

Crib suitable for parents with disabilities who have young children

User next to crib with the gate open

User next to crib with the gate open. Photo: Tomas Engblom

Sesam adjustable height crib with gates. The crip has an electric lift, allowing knees to slide under the crib when sitting. It has a gate along one of the long sides. The specially designed gate lock enables a parent with weak muscles to open and close it, but it is difficult for the child to do so on its own.

Users comments
Erika used the Sesam bed for her first child and was very satisfied. She used it to care for the child as well as for play and sleep. The disadvantage was that it occupies a large amount of space and cannot go through doors.

Made by
In Sweden Mayday Aid AB, (last checked January 2022)

Purchased from
In Sockholm Sweden it can be rented through Hjälpmedelservice (Assistive device services)

Paid for by
Rent is paid by the user

Editors comments
Another poosibility could be a bedside crip.

See also (last checked Jaunary 2022)

Author: Erika

Erika är småbarnsmamma. Hon bor ihop med sambo och 2 barn i villa. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1994 och har en låg tetraplegi (C7). Hon använder sig ibland av ledsagarservice när hon går ut med barnen.

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