Accessible kitchen

Accessible kitchen with adjustable height work surfaces and wall-mounted cabinets – suitable for wheelchair users

User at sink; there is space för the knees under.

User at sink

The height of the counters along the wall and in the corner can be adjusted. There is a sink and stove with ceramic cooktop. The cabinet above the sink can be lowered diagonally.

Users comments
When the user was injured the kitchen was newly built. The family tried to keep as much as possible of the furnishings. In order to keep the existing window above the sink, an upper cabinet was chosen that can be lowered diagonally, i.e., both downwards and outwards. The user does not lower the upper cabinet very often since she feels this is inconvenient and slow. She can reach the lowest shelf.

Paid for by
The user and the municipality

Upper cabinet - partially lowered

Upper cabinet – partially lowered

User opens cabinet door to lowered upper cabinet

User opens cabinet door to upper cabinet

Refrigerator and freezer

Refrigerator and freezer

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Author: Suzanne

Suzanne bor ihop med man och barn i en villa. Hon arbetar deltid. 1991 skadade hon sig och har en komplett tetraplegi C6. Hon har personlig assistans.

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