Microwave oven

Position of microwave oven in accessible kitchen
User at microwave oven
User at microwave oven

Microwave with side-hinged door in full-length cabinet next to a standard-height counter. The microwave is a bit lower than the work surface.

Users comments
The microwave itself is not at a perfect height for the user. She needs to lift things a bit when she removes them from the microwave and place them on the counter. Since she does not heat heavy things in the microwave oven this works well. This solution is a compromise. The counter space next to the ordinary oven is at a more suitable height.

Microwave next to standard-height counter
Microwave next to standard-height counter

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Author: Karolina

Karolina bor tillsammans med sin familj i en villa. Hon arbetar deltid. 2006 skadade hon sig och har en tetraplegi (C7). Hon har 12 timmar personlig assistans per dag.

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