Microwave oven

People without active hand function can independently heat food and prepare coffee in the microwave.

Microwave with pull-out board underneath

Microwave with pull-out board underneath

The cabinet under the microwave has a slide-out board with an opening cut out in which an instant coffee jar fits. An adapted coffee scoop sits on a small hook on the board. The microwave has touch buttons and the handle has a small loop.

Technique: The user takes his mug, which he stores in the wheelchair, fills it with water and places it on the pull-out board. He places his hand in the hook on the scoop, scoops out instant coffee and pours it in the mug.

Technique for heating food: In order to take food out of the microwave the user pulls out the entire glass plate that is inside the oven and slides it over onto his knees. He rides with it to the table and slides the entire glass plate over onto the table. Usually he uses the table that he has on a stand on his wheelchair (see associated tip).

Users comments
The mounting for the scoop makes it possible for the user to grasp the scoop himself. He can open the microwave himself using the loop on the handle.

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Cut-out opening in pull-out board (close-up)

Cut-out opening in pull-out board

Coffee scoop - the handle is adapted with a craddle in orthosis material

Adapted coffee scoop

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Author: Ragge

Ragge bor ihop med hustru i en villa. Han sysselsätter sig med att utveckla idéer som underlättar vardagen för honom och andra, inget betalt arbete. Han skadade sig 1973 och har en hög tetraplegi. Han har delvis armfunktion i båda armar men använder i stort sätt enbart höger armen som han kan styra bättre. Med vänster armen håller han i sig för att hålla balansen. Han har hemtjänst 27 timmar i veckan. Avliden 2016.

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