Changing a diaper with child sitting on lap

Technique for changing diapers that works for wheelchair users

Child is on stomach on user's lap; user removes diaper

Child is on stomach on user’s lap; user removes diaper

Technique: Cover your lap with a small towel and place the child on it. Pull down the child’s pants as far as possible. Place the child on its stomach across your lap. Hold the child with one hand under its arm, open the diaper from behind with the other hand and clean the child’s bottom. Remove the diaper, seat the child on your lap and clean from the front. Take a new diaper, open it and place the child on it. Fasten the diaper. Pull on the pants.

Users comments
Erika used Mayday’s crib for changing diapers for her first child.

Whose idea
Erika Nilsson

Child sits on user's lap; diaper is removed

Child sits on user’s lap; diaper is removed

Child sits on user's lap; user fastens diaper

Child sits on user’s lap; user fastens diaper

Child sits on user's lap; user pulls on pants

Child sits on user’s lap; user pulls on pants

Author: Erika

Erika är småbarnsmamma. Hon bor ihop med sambo och 2 barn i villa. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1994 och har en låg tetraplegi (C7). Hon använder sig ibland av ledsagarservice när hon går ut med barnen.

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