Entrance telephone in night table

The entrance telephone is always accessible when the user is in bed – suitable for persons who cannot transfer from the bed independently

Entrance telephone on night table

Entrance telephone on night table

An entrance telephone sits on an adapted night table (see related tip). With the entrance telephone the user can talk to the person standing outside the door and then unlock the exterior door.

The model is old; the user received this assistive device when he was newly injured in the 1970s.

Users comments
The entrance telephone still works well, even though he has had it for so many years.

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Editors comments
Today Abilia, www.abilia.se sells a similar entrance phone ‘Duocom’ (last checked May 2017).

Entrance telephone (close-up)

Entrance telephone

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An all-in-one night table with room for many functions that helps a person with a high injury to stay in touch with and have control over the rest of the world even when in bed.

Author: Ragge

Ragge bor ihop med hustru i en villa. Han sysselsätter sig med att utveckla idéer som underlättar vardagen för honom och andra, inget betalt arbete. Han skadade sig 1973 och har en hög tetraplegi. Han har delvis armfunktion i båda armar men använder i stort sätt enbart höger armen som han kan styra bättre. Med vänster armen håller han i sig för att hålla balansen. Han har hemtjänst 27 timmar i veckan. Avliden 2016.

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