Control unit for environmental control system

Transmitter to control alarm and door opener.

IR transmitter: a box with eight buttons

IR transmitter

IR hand transmitter (unit) with push buttons.

Users comments
The unit serves its function, according to the user, but he has also thought that he could connect more functions at home to the unit.

Paid for by
Local government and County Council

Editors comments
This unit is not available anymore. Abilia has similar transmitters, (last checked May 2020).

Author: Gert

Gert bor i lägenhet mitt inne i stan. Han arbetar halvtid och har utöver det ett antal politiska förtroendeuppdrag i kommunen. Skadade sig 1973 och har en tetraplegi, C5-C6. Har inte någon personlig assistent utan använder sig av hemtjänst sammanlagt ca 2 tim/dag.

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