
Power-assisted handbike that can be clipped on a manual wheelchair - allows bicycling on equal terms

User riding bike with her children.

User riding bike with her children.

A bicycle attachment with built-in gear system (16 gears) and stepless adjustable hub motor, special handles and clip on gear.
The user can independently attach and detach the handbike from the wheelchair.
The user can also use his chin to turn the motor on and off and to regulate its power as needed.

Each battery charge lasts about 40 km.

Model name: Stricker ElectroDrive Lipo Smart

See also youtube.com/watch (last checked Nov 2024).

Users comments
The user is extremely satisfied with her bike, which allows her to ride with the family on equal terms.

Made by
Stricker, stricker-handbikes.de/en (last checked Nov 2024)

Purchased from
In Sweden:  Hjälpmedelsexperten.

Paid for by
The user

User with her handbike

User with her handbike

User with her handbike in nature

User with her handbike

Five people with handbikes

Bicycle outing

Bicycle attachment

Handbike Stricker ElectroDrive Lipo Smart, Photo from www.wsmobility.se

Handbike Stricker ElectroDrive Lipo Smart, Photo from www.wsmobility.se

Author: Karolina

Karolina bor tillsammans med sin familj i en villa. Hon arbetar deltid. 2006 skadade hon sig och har en tetraplegi (C7). Hon har 12 timmar personlig assistans per dag.

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