Power of attorney for banking matters

Certificate that allows assistants to use the user's credit card without her providing her PIN code

Plasticized credit card sized card with the following text: 'Nina's team, Nina's full name, nina's phone number. Power of attorney for personal assistant working with Nina. Upon presentation of this card and my own identification, I am entitled to pay with Nina's Visa card.'

Plasticized certificate

A certificate that allows assistants to shop with the user’s credit card, without revealing her PIN code. The assistant must show both the certificate and photo ID.

Made by
User’s mother

Whose idea
User’s mother

Author: Nina

Nina bor i en lägenhet. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1996 och har en hög tetraplegi (C4) och är i behov av ventilator. Hon har dubbel assistans dygnet runt.

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