Ramp to patio

Tasteful ramp design with multiple turns makes a house wheelchair accessible
Ramp to house patio. Photo: Katharina Ratzka
Ramp to house patio. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

Eight steps lead up to the user’s house. To make it accessible the user built a ramp that turns three times.

Users comments
To avoid a very long ramp the user built a ramp next to the house that turns several times.

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Whose idea

User drives up the ramp. Photo: Katharina Ratzka
User drives up the ramp. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

Author: Bosse

Bosse bor tillsammans med sin fru i en villa på landet. Han arbetar deltid. Han skadade sig 2008 och har en hög komplett paraplegi. Han har personlig assistans 56 timmar/veckan.

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