Shower chair with back and armrest

Shower and toilet chair with soft back and fixed armrest
Shower chair with back and armrest
Shower chair with back and armrest

Model: ETAC shower and toilet chair with stackable chassis, full seat and upholstered backrest

Users comments
Shower chair works well. User prefers fixed armrests since they are more stable. They are not in the way for transfers.

Paid for by
County Council

Editors comments
This modell is not produced anymore.Similar products are Etac Swift from and Aquatec Pluto or Aquatec Galaxy from (last checked March 2017)

This tip is from 2007

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Author: Magnus

M. bodde ihop med fru och 2 barn i villa. Han arbetade deltid. Han hade en tetraplegi C6. Avliden 2018.

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