Spacious kitchen in accessible house

Kitchen with plenty of room - suitable for electric wheelchair users
Kitchen with long counter
Kitchen with long counter

Large open kitchen with long workbench in the middle. One short side of the counter is used for dining. The user raises his electric wheelchair to the appropriate height, the rest of the family uses bar stools. The other end of the counter also has an area with knee space so that the user can sit and take part in kitchen activities.

Users comments
The user is unable to cook, but the kitchen has room and seating so that he can move around unimpeded and participate without being in the way. The family is very pleased with the kitchen.

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Counter with dining area

Counter with dining area

User's seat at counter

User’s seat at counter

Author: Erik

Erik bor ihop med fru och barn i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. 1996 skadade han sig och har en hög tetraplegi (C4-5). Han har 21 timmar personlig assistans per dygn.

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