Binoculars on stand with holder on wheelchair

Binoculars on a stand work well for persons with compromised arm/hand function

User with binoculars on stand

User with binoculars on stand

A large pair of binoculars with a stand are inserted into the wheelchair holder. The standard tripod for the binoculars is used.

Users comments
The user has a vacation home by the sea. He mainly uses the binoculars there.

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Binocular tripod on wheelchair attachment fitting (close-up)

Binocular tripod on wheelchair attachment fitting

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Attachment on wheelchair
Attachment on wheelchair
A holder on the wheelchair is practical for attaching various objects – suitable for persons with impaired hand function.

Author: Anders

Anders bor ihop med sambo i en villa. Han arbetar deltid. Han skadade sig 1989 och fick en hög ryggmärgsskada (C4-5). Han har personliga assistenter.

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