Children’s chair that opens from the side

A children's chair that is suitable for wheelchair-using parents of young children and who find it difficult to lift the child in and out of an ordinary highchair

User moves child over to chair.

User moves child over to chair. Photo: Tomas Engblom

Children’s chair from Stokke with stomach rail. Between the stomach rail and backrest are fabric straps that can be opened from the side. The child sits at the same height as on its mother’s lap.

Model: Stokke Sitti

Technique: Erika positions herself somewhat behind the child’s chair with her knees next to the seat; she supports herself on the chair in order to keep her balance and slides the child over.

Users comments
Since the seat is at the same height as the mother’s lap and since the chair can be opened with a strap from the sides Erika can place the child in the chair by herself.

Purchased from
Children’s stores

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The user

Editors comments
Today Stokke does not sell ‘Stokke Sitti’ anymore.
Babybjörn had a highchair with a foldout table which enables the mother/father to place the child into the chair from the side. But even this chair is not available anymore. You might be able to find a used one.

For a different solution, se

User feeds child sitting in children's chair.

User feeds child sitting in children’s chair. Photo: Tomas Engblom

Child sitting in children's chair

Child sitting in children’s chair

Author: Erika

Erika är småbarnsmamma. Hon bor ihop med sambo och 2 barn i villa. Hon arbetar deltid. Hon skadade sig 1994 och har en låg tetraplegi (C7). Hon använder sig ibland av ledsagarservice när hon går ut med barnen.

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