Portable highchair

Parents who are wheelchair users can attach this portable highchair to the table and lift the child into and out of the seat

Child's seat attached to table

Child’s seat attached to table

The portable highchair can be attached to most tables. The fabric on the seat is washable. When folded the seat becomes flat and occupies very little space. The user could easily place the seat on the table and put the child in it. When lifting the child out of the portable highchair, sometimes the seat came up a bit too, but this was not a major problem.

The portable highchair can be transported in an ordinary bag behind the back of the wheelchair, but because it is wide it can get caught in the wheels.

Users comments
The portable highchair has been used when traveling, at restaurants, and when visiting friends and family.

Purchased from
Children’s stores

Paid for by
The user

Child's seat attached to table, seen from above

Child’s seat attached to table

Child's seat, folded (lying flat on the floor)

Child’s seat, folded

Author: Heidi

Skadade sig som barn. Bor i lägenhet med familj, jobbar heltid. Hon har ingen assistans eller hemhjälp. Avliden 2020.

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