Customized handle for mobile phone

Custom modification to phone for persons with impaired hand function

User picks up the mobile phone’s plexiglas handle with thumb

User picks up the mobile phone’s plexiglas handle with thumb

Custom produced handle/cradle of plexiglas attached to mobile phone case.

Users comments
The handle fits the user and enables him to easily place his thumb in the handle to grasp and hold the mobile phone. The user has made similar handles for landline phones, with the handle attached to the receiver.

Made by
User and colleague

Paid for by
The user

Plexiglas handle and string attached to the mobile phone case.

Plexiglas handle and string attached to mobile phone

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Author: Bruno

Bruno bor i lägenhet och arbetar heltid. Han skadade sig 1974 och har en tetraplegi, C5-C6. Opererades 1977 för att få armsträckare och tumgrepp. Han har personlig assistans 7 timmar dagligen plus nattpatrull.

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