A trouser leg inseam can be opened with a zipper and key ring to just above the knee, allowing access to the urine bag. A knitting needle inserted to the side of the lower portion of the zipper reinforces it and prevents the zipper from bending when opening or closing. The knitting needle can be removed through a small hole in the seam before washing the jeans.
Technique: Insert dressing stick into the zipper key ring to start to open the zipper, then continue opening with hand. (The wedding ring in picture below has no practical purpose.)
Users comments
These customized trousers enable the user to access the urine bag and drain it unassisted.
Made by
Ida Lindhé or any tailor
Purchased from
Ida Lindhé, ida.lindhe@gmail.com
Paid for by
The user
Whose idea
Ida Lindhé, occupational therapist