Dodger on adapted sailboat

Custom easy-to-use dodger keeps user warm and dry on boat; extremely suitable for persons with physical disabilities

Dodger on sailboat

Dodger on sailboat

The dodger is a canopy held up by two arched frames and closes with a zipper.

Users comments
The dodger is a unique and brilliant solution; you can turn on the heat and not have to wear so many layers of clothing.

Made by
Peter Riddebäck

Paid for by
The user

Folding dodger

Folding dodger

Sailboat with open dodger

Sailboat with open dodger

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Author: Claes

Claes bor ihop med fru och son i en lägenhet. Han arbetar heltid. Han skadade sig 1984 och har en låg tetraplegi. Han har ingen assistans.

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