Transfer between sailboat and wheelchair with stationary lift

Transfer from sailboat to wheelchair with stationary hydraulic lift

Stationary lift next to sailboat on floating dock

Stationary lift next to sailboat on floating dock

A hydraulic lift for people is on a stand at the dock. The lift is screwed in place with 6 screws and is designed so the user can operate it. Two padded straps serve as sling, the longer one under the legs and the short one under the arms. The straps are tied together with ropes (clove hitch) and attached to the lift. Cover in winter.

Users comments
Hydraulic lifts are no longer in use. They can be available at the assistive device centers.

Purchased from
Hjälpmedelcentralen (assistive device center) (lift and straps)

User sitting in cockpit with strap behind back

User sitting in cockpit with strap behind back

Straps tied together with ropes

Straps tied together with ropes

User transfers to wheelchair with the lift

User transfers to wheelchair

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Author: Claes

Claes bor ihop med fru och son i en lägenhet. Han arbetar heltid. Han skadade sig 1984 och har en låg tetraplegi. Han har ingen assistans.

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