Donkey as means of transport

A method to get around in difficult terrain – suitable for people who have problems walking
User on donkey
User on donkey

When the user was in Santorini, Greece, and wanted to visit an old settlement in the mountains, her wheelchair could not handle the difficult terrain. She borrowed a donkey from a few workers to get there.

Users comments
It worked very well for her. In this area with steep mountains it is common for people to rent donkeys to travel from place to place.

Author: Caroline

Caroline bor i en lägenhet och arbetar. Hon har en medfödd bindvävssjukdom (Ehlers-Danlos syndrom) som ger henne varierande problem och smärtor i alla lederna. Sedan 2000 använder hon rullstol utomhus. Hon har 27 timmar hemhjälp i månaden.

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